401(k) Plans

Stock Options

Physical and mental Health

Business Succession Plan

Sick Pay – Vacation Pay – Personal Days Pay

Stock Options

Investment Opportunities

Credit Line

New Home- 2nd Vacation Home – Investment Home

EEPPAA will assist the employee with the down payment, usually twenty, (20%), percent of the value of the real estate. Also, EEPPAA will pay an additional amount of pay to the employee to pay the total cost of the PITI, principle, interest, taxes, and insurance. For example, an executive manager has a pay scale of US$150,000.00. They buy a house with a value of US$1,250,000.00. EEPPAA will assist with the down payment of US$250,000.00. The monthly payments would be about US$5,000.00mo x 12mo = US$60,000.00 in additional pay per year for a total yearly pay of US$210,000.00.!!!

Businesses own a business

Continuing Education

Child Care – Education

Family Elderly Care

Reduced costs for vehicles, clothing, food, electricity, water, uniforms, shoes

Maternity Leave

Hair and Beauty Salon


Training for airplane pilot, boat, car, and motorcycle

Charity Matching Funds

Time Off to Vote

Career Advancement

Insurance: health, vision, dental, disability, life, auto, home

Buyers Club

Legal/Tax/Accounting Assistance

Union – Collective Bargaining Agreement