Address: 705 Robin Ct Woodstock, Cherokee County, GA 30188, (within the city of Woodstock)
Purchase Price: $20,000.00
Purchase Date: TBD
Build Cost: $282,376.00
Specs: Included below
Sqft: 1,500 finished 804 unfinished
Bed: 2 – (additional 804 sqft space upper level)
Bath: 2 – (additional baths stubbed in upper level)
Plans: Included below
Permits: Soil Test has been completed, we have met with the City of Woodstock GA Planning and Zoning, and we were told that a building permit could be issued on any of their Wednesday morning meetings. We have the application package required. WOODSTOCK CITY HALL – ANNEX 12453 HWY 92, Woodstock, GA 30188,,
ARV (comps if you have them): Two recent included below. One pending sale comparable. All are inferior to our subject property as each is older and the lot smaller, however, the comps do establish genuine value for our subject property.
Builder’s Name: Hazel, (Buddy), Gaston Allen

FHA Direct Endorsement Underwriter Chums #D956, 203k Home renovation Plan Reviewer, Consultant (work write ups and cost estimation), and Building Inspector Chums #A0779.

Builder’s Credit: 688, Richard Walker credit score 780, Greg Clifton credit score 740, (May have another team member).
Builders list of addresses for completed projects:
Liquidity (for yourself and your partners),  $100,000.00 cash, net worth $750,000.00, no debt.

Resume: Richard Walker, with current credit scores. Address: 18 Green Valley Trail Cartersville GA 30120 (Password 18 ) See color photos of the interior of the house. You are welcome to come visit when we can make a scheduled visit.

Resume: Hazel, (Buddy), Allen

705 Robin Ct, Woodstock, Cherokee County, GA 30120

Parcel ID



Detailed Financial Investment


Subject property viewing to the left.


Subject property viewing to the center.


Subject property viewing to the right.



Ambrose Floor Plan


Ambrose Standard Building Specifications


The house below 311 Cardinal Drive is literally behind our subject property.

Price History

DateEventPricePrice/Sq FtSource


The below photo is the location of the comparables.

Subject property is 1 lot away from the 311 Cardinal Dr. comparable, and 2 lots over from 513 Finch Ct.


513 Finch Ct Woodstock GA 30120 comparable sold.


The map below is a comparables for our subject property 705 Robin Ct Woodstock GA 30188.


309 Nottingham Dr, Woodstock, GA 30188 pending sale comp, smaller and older.


Location maps of 705 Robin Ct. Woodstock GA 30120