•25,000 business sales/3 years •500,000 gallons of gasohol/alcohol per day at US$30.00 per gallon •400,000 pounds of meat and vegetables per day •960,000 board feet of lumber to build 40,000 square feet of buildings per day to build new homes to sell. Employees can buy new homes, We have financing in place for all sales •75,000 homes utilizing electricity every day, US$24,000,000.00 per year income •1,500,000 gallons of potable water each day from each apparatus, US$26,000,000.00 per year •US$550,000,000.00 for 1,166 new homes in the first year pre-sold to employees •US$50,000,000.00 VetsVille USA for housing and training space •US$3,000,000.00 per month income from US military vets paid by USA government •The above represents one 100MW apparatus. We plan to build twenty, (20), apparatuses,
The plan is to sell the businesses to individual buyers who can get loans to pay to EEPPAA and buy the businesses. This alone will generator enough cash to build the US$75,000,000.00 apparatus. The government in the State of CA has a loan guarantee program for the buyers to buy the business from EEPPAA. The State of CA has over 850,000 unemployed people which we will target to sell the 300 different businesses for sale. The State of CA Department of Labor will assist us in this endeavor.
The second income generation is to build and sell new homes to the 1,166 new employees we will need in the first 6 months. This alone will generate enough income to build the apparatus. I have a good friend who is in the mortgage banking business who can make the loans to the employees to buy the homes.
CA has a goal to add 250,000 electric car charging stations. We want to build 25,000 of these charging stations. This endeavor will take time, but your experience can add big value to the equation.
The State of FL has offered me free land to locate and develop in their state. I have also contacted the states of GA, NC and ME who all want us to locate and develop in their states.