You have an unique opportunity to invest into a sure winner in my new novel innovative invention which emits NO air, smoke, pollutants or anything into the atmosphere.  You can view the document with more information attached or on our website here, or copy and paste this link, (, into your browser and press enter on your keyboard.

My new novel innovative invention captures and utilizes the exhaust heat and smoke to form income streams which far exceed the electricity generation income stream.  My new novel innovative invention generates more than three billion dollars. (US$3.000.000,000.00), see Revenue, ( of revenue in five,(5), different processes, (within a closed loop 100%CCC – (completely-enclosed clean conversion), and ZEES, (Zero emission energy system), which create the income streams while consuming and storing the exhaust heat and air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbons.  

These five,(5), processes are absolutely needed for the cleaning, filtering, consuming and storage of the air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide or carbons and thus creating fresh clean air which is returned into the firebox to complete the 100%CCC – (completely-enclosed clean conversion), while creating billions of dollars of income!

I have had many interested companies interested in my invention.  One company interested is in Bangkok Thailand.  They built a , twenty million dollars, (US$20,000,000.00), 10 MW coal fired steam electric generator which the government now will not issue a permit for fear of pollution, however, with my new novel innovative invention pollutants nor any air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide or carbons are emitted into the atmosphere.

Another company, Tata Power of India, has a 500 MW coal fired steam electric power plant for sale which we can convert to biomass and earn billions of dollars per year.  The power plant is in Mumbai India.  Furthermore, Tata Power, one of the worlds largest companies, is losing millions of dollars from their coal fired steam electric generators because the price of coal has increased, but they have agreements, (refereed to individually as Power Purchase Agreement), to sell the electricity to the grid at a fixed price.  They have about 280 plants throughout India.  Each one of these sites can be an income producing plant using my new novel innovative invention.

The US Energy Information Administration states that there are 9.719 powere plasnts in worldwide.  

Interactive map with coal fired electric power plants in the USA.

Wilkipedia: there were 359 coal-powered units at the electrical utilities across the US, with a total nominal capacity of 256 GW[8] (compared to 1024 units at nominal 278 GW in 2000.

US Energy Information Administration list of electricity producers in the USA.  Each of these hundreds of producers are our target market.

Electric power production per is an innovative carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies company.

Every coal fired power plants is a target market for my invention.

The Environmental Protection Department, in the State of Georgia in the United States of America, explains that `No permits are required for atmospheric emissions since NO emissions are emitted into the atmosphere`!!! 

Introduction video            https://youtube/HfQxVNz99dc        (click on the link or copy and paste the address into your browser and then press enter)

Pitch Deck, CA specific   (click on the link or copy and paste the address into your browser and then press ente ) (Click the link above for the pitch deck (or copy and paste the address into your browser and then press enter) , when the web page appears, then click the download icon and then save the PDF document to your device.)

The new novel innovative invention, 100%CCC – (completely-enclosed clean conversion), and ZEES, (Zero emission energy system), which emits NO emissions into the atmosphere of air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide or carbons when used with a  biomass steam electric generator apparatus using renewable natural resources.!!!

Visit our website: .

How many coal fired electric generator apparatuses in the USA?

Use of coal – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).  Jun 1, 2020 – Many industries and businesses have their own power plants, and some use coal to generate electricity for their own use.

Mapped: The world’s coal power plants in 2020 – Carbon Brief, › Since 2000, the world has doubled its coal-fired power capacity to around 2045 … Each plant may be made up of multiple units – the individual boilers and steam … The trend is similar in the US (49%), EU (37%), China (49%) and India (57%). … to super- and ultra-supercritical systems,

Jan 13, 2020 – forecast in a December 2019 report that about 70,000 MW to as much as 190,000 MW of coal-fired generation is “economically at risk” .


The key to this business model is the pollution-free invention.  The EPD, (Environmental Protection Department), in the United States of America has made this statement to us, ¨No permit will be necessary for air quality as NO emissions are emitted into the atmosphere¨. 

The hardwood is burned in the firebox which creates air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and/or carbons.  The air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and/or carbons are routed from the firebox through a closed flue from the firebox into our new novel innovative invention.  The 100%CCC-(completely-enclosed clean conversion) invention is a zero-emissions energy system, (ZEES),  which converts the air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and/or carbons into fresh air which is returned via a closed-loop flue back into the firebox. NO  air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and/or carbons are ever emitted into the atmosphere.​  


The vision of EEPPAA, (Electrifying Environmental Protection Production Applications Apparatus), is to develop and implement renewable energy sources using technologies already developed and to develop technologies not yet discovered. We, (as a world of people), must take responsibility to protect and preserve our environment. The environment gives us life. EEPPAA is committed to protecting the environment. Our new novel innovative invention protects the atmosphere of the earth by eliminating pollutants created by a naturally renewable resource – biomass, (wood), steam electric generator apparatus. NO smoke, pollutants or carbons are emitted into the atmosphere.   No air from the outside enters into the apparatus as the complete system is 100%CCC – (completely-enclosed clean conversion), and ZEES, (Zero emission energy system),

EEPPAA is also committed to renewing our biomass, (trees), energy source by planting a minimum of one hundred, (100), new trees for every tree we must cut to create energy. Our goal is to plant 5,000,000 new trees per year


The mission of EEPPAA is to utilize all elements known or unknown to mankind including but not limited to earth, wind, water and solar to develop and implement energy with no, zero, (0), zilch nor nada, pollution emitted into the atmosphere.

Thank you very much,

Richard Walker


A good name is more valuable than gold.!!!

Telephone:  404-524-7000, X425

111 Cone St., Atlanta GA  30303

Linkedin:  Richard Walker

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Skype:  VisaCapital

Success is not about real dreams coming true.  (passive happenstance)

Success is the trick about making a true dream a reality!  (active trek)    Richard David Walker