Systems Programmer: Coordinates installation of computer operating system software and tests, maintains, and modifies software, using computer terminal: Reads loading and running instructions for system software, for example, task scheduling, memory management, computer file system, or controlling computer input and output, and loads tape into tape drive or transfers software to magnetic disk. Initiates test of system program and observes readout on the monitor of the computer system to detect errors or work stoppage. Enters code changes into the computer system to correct errors. Analyzes performance indicators, for example, the system’s response time, number of transactions per second, and number of programs being processed at once, to ensure that the system is operating efficiently. Changes system software so that system performance will meet objectives. Reviews computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations to determine if requested changes to the operating system are possible. Writes a description of steps taken to modify the system and procedures required to implement new software. Assists users having problems with the use of system software. May also train users, COMPUTER OPERATOR 213.362-010, and COMPUTER PROGRAMMER 030.162-010 to use system software. May also prepare workflow charts and diagrams to modify system software. May also visit vendors to observe a demonstration of systems software. May also administer and monitor the computer program that controls user access to the system. May also review productivity reports and problem records to evaluate the performance of the computer system.