Studied in technical school the discipline of business. Studied business in college for two years and earned a 94-grade point average.

Started in the real estate business in 1979 by joining in a partnership to buy and renovate single-family houses and commercial properties. In the same year, started making mortgage loans as a lender, (using OPM). Made hundreds of loans and never, ever lost money on any deal!!!!!!!

Joined in a partnership and grew the loan volume to 200 closed and sold loans per month. Created a very successful sub-prime mortgage lender. The company became the twentieth largest loan closer in the State of Georgia.

Bought one house on a Saturday and flipped and closed the house the following Friday making US$7,000.00!

Retired in 1990 with much cash and 23 houses and an apartment complex paid for with NO mortgages!

Licensed privae airplane pilot.

  • •I grew up on a farm.  I studied vocational agriculture for four years in school.
  • •I was a member of the FFA, 4H, Boys Scouts, J.C`s and Lion`s club.  I studied agribusiness in college.  I became a real estate investor-builder and an expert mortgage banker.  I built buildings, renovated buildings and moved buildings from one city to another city and set them back up.
  • •When I was on the farm, we always had several big gardens and much cropland.  I planted and tended many vegetables, fruits, and berries.  I helped my family can and preserve the many vegetables, fruits, and berries.
  • •I love agriculture.  If this world loved agriculture as I do, then this planet would be a better place.
  • •I have a written agreement with VetsVille USA, an organization that trainees US military veterans a new career in agriculture.  Our agreement is that the new agriculture trainees will occupy full-time permanent jobs in our company.
  • •I have cut many trees when I was young with a buck saw and an ax.  I graduated to a power chain saw when I was fourteen years old.  I worked at a sawmill.  I have personal knowledge on how to use a kiln to dry Wood.
  • •I have trained and shown many animals in various shows such as rodeos, cattle, and horse shows.  I was an expert horseman.
  • •I know how to dress many animals.  Cattle, hogs, deer, chickens, turkeys, ducks, rabbits, squirrels and turtles.
  • •I have operated much equipment.  Tractors, of course, track loaders, dump trucks, skidders, pulpwood trucks, backhoes, motor road grader, pans, rubber tired loaders, large buses, tractor trailers or road tractors and I have driven a wrecker for years, hauling thousands of vehicles thru Midtown Atlanta GA, USA without having an accident.
  • •I am a licensed airplane pilot.
  • •I have personal knowledge and experience on how to distill gasohol/alcohol.  I have distilled tens of thousands of gallons of gasohol/alcohol in my life.
  • •The Wood fired steam electric generator apparatus with my new novel innovative invention which emits no smoke into the air utilizes many applications of agriculture including, timber, livestock, gardening, crops, aquaculture, food processing, food canning, food preserving, electricity generation, gasohol production, woodworking and real estate development.
  • •The apparatus processes the smoke and pollutants thru the firebox then thru a flue and into the novel innovative patent-pending invention which emits no smoke into the air and then returns thru a closed loop back to the firebox.  No smoke, pollutants or carbons are ever emitted into the atmosphere.
  • •We have 20 engineers on our team including electrical, mechanical, industrial, chemical, logistical, mining, programming, computing, systems, and two architects.
  • •Each apparatus will create thousands and thousands of new full-time permanent agriculture jobs at each location we develop.
  • •I am in communications with the governments of the states of FL, GA, ME and CA in the USA.  The governments are 110% interested in our apparatus by offering grants of free land, buildings, roads, bridges, water, sewer, electricity, gas, parks, tax credits, and tax benefits.
  • •I am uniquely qualified to devise and implement the Wood fired steam electric generator apparatus with my new novel innovative patent-pending invention which emits no smoke into the air.
  • •The apparatuses include all my life experiences which make them a winner.
  • •I trust this presentation outlines my personal knowledge and experiences for your deliberations.

History-making disruption in energy!!!

The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, in the United States of America, states, `No permits are required for atmospheric emissions since NO emissions are emitted into the atmosphere`.

New novel innovative invention, 100%CCC-(completely-enclosed clean conversion), which emits NO emissions into the atmosphere of air, smoke, pollutants, poisons, gases, nitrogen, carbon monoxide or carbons when used with a biomass steam electric generator apparatus using renewable natural resources.!!!

You can view the investment overview here.

Sales and franchising of businesses will create great revenue streams. The apparatus creates thousands of new high paying permanent full-time agriculture, services, and manufacturing jobs. EEPPAA payscale is above the national average.


​The key to this business model is the pollution free invention.  The EPD, Environmental Protection Department, in the USA has stated, “No permit will be necessary for air quality as NO emissions are emitted into the atmosphere “. The wood is burned in the firebox which creates smoke, pollutants, and carbon. The smoke, pollutants, and carbon are routed through a closed flue from the firebox into our new novel innovative invention. The 100%CCC-(completely-enclosed clean conversion) invention, converts the smoke, pollutants, and carbon into fresh air which is returned via a closed loop into the firebox. NO smoke, pollutants or carbon are ever emitted into the atmosphere.​


The vision of EEPPAA, (Electrifying Environmental Protection Production Applications Apparatus), is to develop and implement renewable energy sources using technologies already developed and to develop technologies not yet discovered. We, (as a world of people), must take responsibility to protect and preserve our environment. The environment gives us life. EEPPAA is committed to protecting the environment. Our new novel innovative invention protects the atmosphere of the earth by eliminating pollutants created by a natural renewable resource – biomass, (wood), steam electric generator apparatus. NO smoke, pollutants or carbons are emitted into the atmosphere. EEPPAA is also committed to renewing our biomass, (trees), energy source by planting a minimum of one hundred, (100), new trees for every tree we must cut to create energy. Our goal is to plant 5,000,000 new trees per year.


The mission of EEPPAA is to utilize all elements known or unknown to mankind including but not limited to earth, wind, water and solar to develop and implement energy with no, zero, (0), zilch nor nada, pollution emitted into the air.
We have a system conceptually created and designed to utilize each and every portion of the energy generated by a wood-fired system.

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